Eng-Thai Lexitron Dict : meagerly, 5 found, display 1-5
meagerly :
(ADV) ;
อย่างขาดแคลน ;
Syn:scantly, skimpily
Thai-Eng Lexitron Dict : meagerly, 1 found, display 1-1
ยอบแยบ :
(V) ;
be insufficient ;
Related:lack, be deficient, be meager, be inadequate, scant ;
Def:จวนหมด, ไม่ค่อยพอ ;
Royal Institute Thai-Thai Dict : meagerly, not found
Budhism Thai-Thai Dict : meagerly, not found
ETipitaka Pali-Thai Dict : meagerly, not found
Pramaha Prasert Mantasevi's Thai-Pali Dict : meagerly, not found